Ryan chose to have a go with the hillsmen. The Kappadokians have an aggression of 0 and hilly terrain, while the Spartans hold an aggression level of 2 and prefer arable lands. The dice favored (or disadvantaged) me - the Spartans were on the defensive.
I chose to use a road, one difficult hills, and two woods as terrain. We followed the new rules, placing the road, hill, and one wood piece in quadrants based on the dice roll. The final roll was a 6, so Ryan chose the placement of the last wood.
When it came time to deploy our forces, we reviewed the deployment rules, learning that most unit types must be deployed 400 paces away from the game edge. We realized that the road was essentially out of play, and the camps were not optimally placed. However, we decided to surge forward.
We used the posted 3.0 army lists for both forces. Ryan deployed the following elements for the Kappadokians: 1 x Cv (Gen), 2 x Kn, 2 x LH, 5 x Ax, and 2 x Ps. He deployed his foot on the difficult hill, backed by cavalry. The Light Horse were posted on the right flank.
I still haven't decided if the Horde choice is worthwhile with the early Spartans, but I went with 11 x Sp and 1 x Hd, using the Hd to protect my camp. I grouped all by two spear elements together, placing the remain two spear on the right flank.
While the Spartan General looked for reserves, it was too late. In the next round of melee, I lost two more Spear elements, ending the game.
All in all, Ryan and I enjoyed the terrain set-up rules. I found the old rules a bit frustrating, since we seemed to end up with a road running across the battlefield in many games. Obviously, our sample size of DBA games is small, but I do find it more realistic that the armies will approach along a road, instead of duking it out across a road. The need to deploy units closer together also changed the game dynamics somewhat. For a newcomer, the terse wording and nonstandard grammatical structures used in the DBA rules is daunting. I remain confused on the meaning of several sections in the rules. I'll cover those sections in my next posting. If any DBA veterans notice mistakes that we made in this game, please post comments!
The invader does not "place" terrain on a '6', it only gets to determine which quarter it is placed in; the defender still places all terrain.
ReplyDeleteThe Spartans probably learned why they don't want to choose Woods and Difficult Hills as their terrain choices. You can now load up on Roads and basically make an open board.
Good report!