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Showing posts with label Later Persians. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Later Persians. Show all posts

Friday, June 7, 2013

Jeff's Farewell Game Day

Jeff and Ryan at Battle
Jeff Franz has been the orchestrator of our DBA games in Seoul, and he gathered the largest group yet for one more game day.  We had six experienced players, and Tony's daughter Erin also gave DBA a try with a few games, using my Galatians.

The seven armies:

  • Warring Chin Chinese (II/4A) (See the Army on Jeff's Blog) --Jeff
  • Late Ottomans (IV/55b) --Ian
  • Kommenan Byzantines (IV/1)--Tony
  • Late Imperial Romans (II/78)--Ryan
  • Late Persians (II/7)--me
  • Kappadokians (II/14)--Rob
  • Galatians (II/30b)--Erin
A few snapshots follow.

I didn't manage to track all of the results, but Jeff once again dominated his games.  He also helped teach Erin, playing his Chin Chinese against the Galatians.
Chin Army engages Galatians

Ian and Tony's game resulted in a major engagement on the Kappadokian's flank. The Kappadokian camp is the yellow square.
Kappadokians battle Ottomans
Ryan lost three games against Jeff, Tony, and Ian, but he beat me. Roman Blades chopped up the Persians rather quickly. 
Persians and Romans advance

Ryan eventually lost to Ian's Ottomans; however, his Light Horse managed to impel a flank attack during the bout.
Ottoman Horse Recoil from Roman Light Cavalry

My Persians lost against the Romans and Byzantines, but I managed to beat Rob in a difficult match, thanks to great dice rolls. Rob places a river down the center of the board, rated as ordinary.  It really complicated maneuver. 

Kappadokians Cross the River

Ian aggressively engaged Tony's Byzantines, but I didn't catch the final result.
Byzantines Vs. Ottomans

Jeff, we will all miss your extensive DBA knowledge, organizational skills, inspirational painting, and sportmanship.  Best of luck in San Antonio!

Saturday, June 1, 2013

Later Achaemenid Persians (II/7)

I have finished a DBA Later Persian army in time for a final game day with Jeff before he returns to the States.  We are meeting today, and we should have six players in total.  It will be the first time in awhile that I haven't used a Macedonian army.
Later Persian Army (II/7)

I tried a few new techniques and materials for this army.  Jeff uses wood filler for his bases instead of the glue and sand method that I have been using.  I gave that a shot, and I do like the results.  I also used Gale Force 9 static grass for the ground cover.   My painting approach remains the same - basic block painting with a wash for shading purposes.  I didn't get the wash on as well as I would have liked in some areas.

Darius - LCh General and Scythed Chariot
Two Cavalry and two Light Horse

Two Psiloi and Extra Bow
Kardakes Spear

The Later Persian list includes two Light Chariots, two Cavalry, two Light Horse, two Psiloi, and the option of either Spear or Auxilia for the remaining elements.  I had leftover archers, so I created a Bow stand as well.  I'll use it later for an Early Persian list, which is chock full of Bows.

Two of four Auxilia
Phoenician Marines (Spear)

Sunday, March 31, 2013

Persian Progress

Despite reality interfering all week, I managed to make good progress on the Later Achaemenid  Persian (II/7) DBA army figures.  The decision to prewash the white primed figures was a success.  It definitely reduced the nooks and crannies painted white that were difficult to share.

The Later Persians in DBA 2.2 have an option to field four spears or four auxilia.  Even though I have enough figures for both choices, I am focused on fielding the Army with spears first.  I'm hopeful that I can finish up this army by next weekend, in time for some DBA games on 6 April.

Three of the spear elements will feature Medians or Persian figures.  I hand-painted the shields.

I decided to use Phoenician Marines for one spear element, using decals on these figures.

I also repainted one scythed chariot, from my Macedonian Morph collection, with a Persian motif.

I'm tackling the mounted elements and Darius' chariot next.

Ryan is also making good progress on his Thessalian army.  Four spear elements are completed, except for the terrain on the bases.  He placed shield decals tonight, and they look pretty cool.  He decided to use blue as the dominant color on hoplite shields and cavalry cloaks.

Monday, March 25, 2013

Persian Paint Test

Darius in the replica mosaic at Pompeii, Italy, March 2012
Inspired by our recent game day, I have decided to paint up a Late Persian army that has been in the queue.  I tried to delay the project until DBA 3.0 was published, but I have given up.  I'll base it for 2.2 which is what our group plays.  I have too many figures really, so I need to decide what figures I will actually use for this army.  I will eventually buy archers, so I can field the Early army, too.


I primed this figures white.  I like how the white undercoat works for bright colors, but there are always little crevices that remain tough to hit.  With a black undercoat, the spots look naturally like shading, but  white stands out.

Persian Javelinmen
With a black undercoat, I drybrush white to help see the details.  I decided to try the opposite on these figures.  Using a Citadel Paints Wash (Agrax Earthshade), I liberally splashed the wash onto the figures, ensuring I covered areas that will be shaded later.  I'm not sure if this will help or not, but the painting step went very quick.

Persian General figures in front of the Army
Now I need to research the clothing colors and shields for this force.